Teacher training and Integrated Science lessons at Colombiere School

Teachers and pupils alike are busy at the Colombiere School in Gambia, participating in a variety of training and practical lessons.

At the beginning of each academic year, new and returning teachers partake in various workshops to gain new skills and prepare educational materials.

Meanwhile, students in the lower basic section of the school are taking on new challenges and exploring new, practical forms of education through Integrated Science lessons, pictured below.

sch colombiere

Founded in October 2012, the Colombiere School in Gambia is one of Help a Poor Child’s signature projects. The school initially began as a Nursery, and during its seven years of operation, expanded to a Lower Basic School, encompassing the Early Childhood Development (ECD) Section and Primary Section beginning in 2015.

At the end of the year, the school hosts graduation ceremonies for students moving from the Nursery elementary level to Primary school level, pictured below. Parents of students often prepare food for the ceremonies. Parents also participate in parent-teacher meetings, which are held twice in the academic year to collaborate on ways the school can develop and discuss other relevant matters.

Parents at graduation ceremonies

Parents at graduation ceremonies